The NANA, known as the Naked and Not Ashamed is a program designed to bring intervention, expose and educate the community of what abuse is, the effects to victims and the community and educate them to the various types of abuse. We provide intervention through education by exposing the issues that traumatize women, men and children. The Naked & Not Ashamed intervention program offers focused coaching and therapeutic life skills to victims. NANA will help to clearly expose the struggles, symptoms and strongholds that keep victims tied to fear, anger, guilt and shame. This program will give individuals the tools and principles on how to recognize abuse, live with purpose after victimization free from unforgiveness, anger, shame, guilt, and condemnation. Dr. Ramona Brown has been in prison ministry for over 20 years. She is currently at the Denver Women Correctional Facility teaching these classes and helping educate this community of traumatized women.