“365-Days of Fear Not’s”

By Ramona C. Brown, Th.D.


The Bible instructs us to “[not] worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done” (Philippians 4:6, NLT). Not only are we taught to not worry or fear, but we are also told what to do instead of worrying: pray. The title of this journal is “365-Days of Fear Not’s” and this title was given to me in 2000.  I was not able to write this journal until now (I had to put these principles in my life) and I am excited about what you will receive.  Who is fear in Bible?  Fear is a spirit when we read 2 Timothy 1:7 the writer Paul describes fear as a spirit.  What is fear from the dictionary?  Fear is an “unpleasant” emotion or anxious concern formed from our anticipation or awareness of danger. There is also another viewpoint of fear attributed to God that many may not associate as fear, and it is a fear of God that is inspired by reverence or awe of Him, His power, and His love.

New Beginnings Cathedral
of Worship
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