The Word of the Month
A leader’s credibility begins with personal success. It ends with helping others achieve personal success. I Samuel 18:5
Making Colorado and our Nations a House of Prayer for all nations through an empowered network of prayer leaders.
Our primary focus is personal growth through building character and helping each student foster a desire for knowledge. We build spiritual growth through biblical knowledge/resources, and teach each student to learn the biblical way of life, learn it, live it and teach it.
Programs Offered are o Independent Study Program and CP (Certificate Program) for a person who desires scriptural knowledge and the opportunity for advancement in our Advance Degree Level Programs, (Bachelor of Arts, Masters of Arts & Doctorate Degree Program). Accredited with the ACISCTS, an international accrediting commission. CTSOM has been in existence for over 26 years currently doing correspondence classes and virtual classes for all students. Contact Dr. Ramona Brown for more details to apply.
The New Beginnings CTSOM is a Satellite School for the Minnesota Graduate School of Theology.
“Building people through God’s Word so that they can go forth fully prepared to perform the task that God has set before them. Giving a systematic learning process designated to establish you in the Word of God applying the principles into your personal lives.” We will follow the model established for us in Titus 2:1-8.”
A leader’s credibility begins with personal success. It ends with helping others achieve personal success. I Samuel 18:5
Pray that any schemes of the enemy will be dismantled and destroyed. Lord, we thank You for Your victory
“Wisdom and Knowledge Spoken” Taking people to the top is what good leaders do. Numbers 1:16 “Lifting people to a
PUSH Bible Class Materials and Photos by Pastor Ramona Brown, Th.D. Prophetic Training Manual I Prophetic Training Manual II“prophets-and-kings”/a0f7da4c-9ffb-4e94-a75e-2e0102c64a62?isbn=9780981758947 The
Prayer Of Protection From False Teachings Heavenly Father, there are so many false teachings and doctrines of demons that are
“A Year of Transitioning for Convergence, Contrast, and Culmination for Renewal”– Ephesians 1:9 – 10 Now, I allow God to
CONFESSION FOR A GODLY HOUSEHOLD My home is consecrated and dedicated to God. I will not allow activities in my
Pray for our national leaders Denice Ross, U.S. Chief Data Scientist Christopher Steven Marcum, Assistant Director Science & Data Policy