Detrice Brown-Smith started the New Beginnings Academy a charter school for 10 years under Hope Online Academy, which serves over 30 schools in Colorado. She started and built New Beginnings Academy K-8th grade within the Aurora community. The organization (Hope Online) allowed each school to build their own staff and culture to provide the specific needs in the community where our schools are located. The location of New Beginnings and others centers in Aurora, serviced low income at risk families. Which were unemployed, had no transportation, lived with other family households & struggled with getting basic household needs met. For the entire existence of New Beginnings, we were not just there to teach subject content areas, but assist families with everyday life challenges. We opened a food bank for the community, we provided clothing/school supplies at least twice a year to our families. As a leader in the community Detrice felt obligated to assist the parents with providing GED classes, English speaking classes & healthy living classes to assist families that struggle with trauma and abuse within their homes. We were very successful with the vision of New Beginnings Academy.