The Theme for 2023 for the Prophetic Prayer Journal is

“A Year of Transitioning for Convergence,

Contrast, and Culmination for Renewal”–

Ephesians 1:9 – 10

Now, I allow God to wipe the slate clean and I present myself to Him as a blank canvas for Him begin to write his vision, purpose, and press his handprint upon my life. I’m ready for the NEW!!!

I hear the Lord saying that 2023 will be a Year of SIGNIFICANCE

To begin to build a foundation for the Year of 2023 – It’s important to start with an understanding of the definition of this word.

Significance is the quality in something that makes it worthy of special attention. Very important of great value. Weighty, heavy, of great consequence, distinction, uncommon and rare. Please take note and take it to heart – the season we are now entering is absolutely a significant one. Heavens, decisions, conclusions, and actions will come to bare in the earth and in our personal lives unlike any other time in our lives.

2023 is the Year of Convergence, Contrast & Culmination

CONVERGENCE John 17:20-23
1. An act or instance of converging.
2. A convergent state or quality.
3. The degree or point at which lines, objects, etc., converge, come together.
4. Ophthalmology . a coordinated turning of the eyes to bear upon a near point.
5. Physics • the contraction of a vector field.
6. Meteorology . a net flow of air into a given region. Compare divergence 
7. Biology . similarity of form or structure caused by environment rather than heredity.


Also, con·ver·gen·cy indicates concurrence, confluence, meeting and even merging.

Also, there is the potential of need to consider the words “collide” and  “collision.” This speaks of the increased intensity of the warfare between the Kingdoms of light and darkness. Good and evil, Love and hate. True worship and idolatry. We as believers must arm and prepare ourselves for heightened and more intense spiritual warfare in the coming year!

CONTRAST Ex. 8:23-24 NIV

  1. The state of being strikingly different from someone or something.
  2. The introduction of something that provides an undeniable contrast for deeper clarity, acknowledgement, knowing and understanding.
  3. The presentation of a notable and distinguishable difference.

I hear the Lord saying that 2023 will be a season where gray areas, shadows and hidden things will be removed and or unveiled. Because of the intensity of spiritual warfare there will be an exposure and revealing of thoughts, motives, alliances, and allegiances. The Lord will reveal whose side we are really on. Black will be black and white will be white. As righteousness converges with streams of righteousness in a united front to confront the powers of darkness and despots of demons there will be little doubt as to truth from false, clean, and unclean, holy, and unholy and the distinguishable difference between Remnant and the man-made church! Again, the light will shine so brightly that all the gray areas will be removed.    

Dr. Lewis F. Brown Sr.

New Beginnings Cathedral
of Worship
We are committed to loving and serving the entire community, with a special focus on our church family.